Mikkel Alexander Grabowski’s fine art photography coffee table book about Mølleåen was published in 2010 by his own publishing company Mellow Moon Media.
Artikel af Poul Pilgaard Johnsen om Mølleåen i Weekendavisen
Article in Weekend Avisen about Mikkel Alexander Grabowski’s fine art photography coffee table book about Mølleåen
Mikkel Alexander Grabowski’s fine art photography coffee table book about Mølleåen
Anmeldelse af Mikkel Alexander Grabowskis bog om Mølleåen i Sjællandske Nyheder
Mikkel Grabowski’s fine art photography coffee table book about Mølleåen
Mikkel Alexander Grabowski’s fine art photography coffee table book about Mølleåen
A good selection of the images from the book was also on exhibition in 2009 and 2010 in Mosegården Museum, Farum Kulturhus, Thorasminde and Sophienholm. See more here: https://www.mikkelgrabowski.com/portfolio-item/mosegaarden-museum/
Mikkel Alexander Grabowski’s fine art photography coffee table book about Mølleåen
Cover photo Mikkel Alexander Grabowski’s fine art photography coffee table book about Mølleåen