Iron plate projections Vol.4

ironplate-grabowski-oven-2 ironplate-grabowski-oven-2
ironplate-grabowski-autum-leaf ironplate-grabowski-autum-leaf
Glass and blueish light projected on iron Glass and blueish light projected on iron
Iceickles in Denmark projected on an iron plate Iceickles in Denmark projected on an iron plate
An oven melting plaster projected on a iron plate. An oven melting plaster projected on a iron plate.
A picture from Novo Nordisk factory plant in Denmark A picture from Novo Nordisk factory plant in Denmark

These are the Iron Plate Projections – an art project by Mikkel Alexander Grabowski. The original 35mm slide image is projected onto a rusty and weathered iron plate and then rephotographed with a 4×5″ Sinar Camera on Kodak duplicating film for optimum resolution and as such creates a change of impression because now the sharpness plane and extreme detail of the iron plate – more than the projected image, comes into focus resulting in a new and different aesthetic expression.